Business & Property Owner Focus Groups – June 13 & 20 2024

Event Summary

On June 13th and 20th, the City and consultant team conducted a series of business and property owner focus group discussions specific to those located on or immediately adjacent to Duval Street.

The primary objectives were to enhance communication regarding the Duval Street project, provide a comprehensive background, share the work completed so far along with the findings, and address specific concerns related to the overall condition of the street and the future course of action, including construction.

For planning purposes, the street has been divided into four distinct character areas. These areas have been identified based on a combination of factors such as street conditions, elevations and drainage conditions, and the type and character of the buildings. The four areas are:

  1. Area 1: Front Street to Eaton Street
  2. Area 2: Eaton Street to Olivia Street
  3. Area 3: Olivia Street to Catherine Street
  4. Area 4: Catherine Street to South Street

Summary notes of discussion and feedback based on Area include:

Front Street to Eaton Street – Area 1

  • Curbless section with asphalt base, from the bay to Caroline St. – design with inverted crown at center if possible
  • Curb & Gutter section with asphalt base, from Caroline St to Eaton St.
  • Parking/Loading to remain on west side. OK to remove some parking to provide additional trees
  • Pump Station (approx 100 cfs) and improved collection system
  • Raise northern road ends at Duval and Simonton, and eastern road end at Front St. – all approx. 12” (Similar treatment as was done at east end of Greene St.)

Eaton Street to Olivia Street – Area 2

  • Regular Curb & Gutter section, with regular base
  • Curbless section for emphasis areas where plaza-feel in desired -– design with inverted crown at center if possible
  • Parking/Loading to remain on west side. OK to remove some parking to provide additional trees
  • Introduce green infrastructure as appropriate

Olivia Street to Catherine Street – Area 3

  • Regular Curb & Gutter section, with regular base, from Olivia St. to Virginia St.
  • Curb & Gutter section with asphalt base, from Virginia St. to Catherine St.
  • Curbless section for emphasis areas where plaza-feel in desired – design with inverted crown at center if possible
  • Parking/Loading to remain on west side. OK to remove some parking to provide additional trees
  • Introduce green infrastructure as appropriate
  • Bury powerlines south of Angela St., if feasible

Catherine Street to South Street – Area 4

  • Curb & Gutter section with asphalt base, from Catherine St to South St.
  • Curbless section with asphalt base, from the South St. to ocean, provide more greenery– design with inverted crown at center if possible
  • Raise street-end at the pier, approx 18 to 24” to keep out wave and wind driven water and sand. Create offshore wavebreak – Nature Based Solution
  • Parking/Loading only along west side. OK to remove all parking on east side, and some parking on west to provide additional trees – as long as City makes up for it in nearby location
  • Bury powerlines, if feasible

Presentations and discussions

Cover of Business Roundtable Discussion Outline

Click to view Outline

In addition to the specific items discussed for each section, the focus groups provided valuable insights on general issues related to the overall corridor and its streetscape, including:

  • Baltimore Brick is historically linked to Duval Street, and its use in the streetscape design is desired.
  • The Conch is the symbol of Key West and should be incorporated into the streetscape design. Image, color – maybe incorporate ground conch shells into concrete?
  • Provide native shade trees. Avoid placement that would block store signage.
  • Vertical elements/markers are desired, especially as part of connection and wayfinding to/from Duval and other key City areas.
  • Decongest sidewalks and clean up corners -provide full ADA.
  • For proposed pump station, provide design features to address water quality best practices. Provide energy efficient electrical components as appropriate.
  • Better trash management systems – perhaps solar powered compactor trash cans – especially at the northern end of Duval.
  • Better storm drain inlets that avoid clogging

Next Steps

Following the focus group sessions, the project design team has been evaluating potential design solutions and scenarios for each segment. They will continue to refine these concepts into multiple scenarios that will be presented at the next public event, a community-wide presentation.

It is expected there will be two to three scenarios for each segment, incorporating specific streetscape design elements such as pavers, furnishings, and landscaping.

During this presentation, the aim is to start identifying preferred concepts. These will guide the design team in creating the conceptual master plan for Duval Street.

The project team is targeting early September for this presentation. Please stay tuned for more updates.